Technology - The other side of the coin

 Etymology first.

According to Oxford dictionary, the word Technology means the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.Derived from two Greek words, transliterated techne and logos. Techne means art, skill, craft, or the way, manner, or means by which a thing is gained.

It’s not the tool,It’s how you use it. Ever since this so-called technology has evolved, it’s been a boon, and a bane, for the human race. The tools, or weapons that we used to kill animals while hunting,were the same weapons   used to kill humans in wars. And this, is literally applicable to every other tool which was developed by mankind. Leaving all these things aside, let’s talk about the new age technology,i.e Information Technology.

The Internet is a very big space which enables you to do any kind of thing - messaging, purchasing, paying and what not! But, let’s flip the coin. The Internet that we see, is just the 25% of the whole cyberspace, and there's where all these comment wars and roasting and all those things happen. When you dig deeper, theres this real things, like terrorism funding,weopon businesses and data sales, etc.
It’s called the deep web,and I am pretty sure many of us know about it because of the pop culture references.The terms "deep web" and "dark web" are often used interchangeably -- they're not the same thing, though. The dark web is technically a tiny sliver of the deep web, making up 0.01% of it, but the horror stories you hear about the dark web don’t actually happen on the deep web.The deep web is just content you can’t find on a search engine, like your personal email account, social media accounts, online banking account, a brand’s gated pages, or a corporation’s private database.The only difference between the deep web and the surface web is that a thin layer of security stonewalls the public from accessing content on the deep web, whereas anyone can access content on the surface web. Why deep web? It is the anonymity the deep web provides to its users,which makes it virtually impossible to track any of their illegal activities. The same anonymity can sometimes be beneficial for ethical users like activists,journalists and political whistleblowers. Summing up these facts,it is quite understood that this technology is a common pathway of crime,terrorrism and other activities.

No system is safe, and your privacy is not so private! 

Quoting the words from the documentary “The Great Hack '', “The reason why Google and Facebook are the most powerful companies in the world is because data surpassed oil in it’s value.Data is the most valuable asset on earth”. Personal privacy is an important concern of today’s modern world. The evolution of technology has made it difficult to maintain personal privacy and the most threatening fact is personal data of individuals being sold or stolen.Many of us,aren't reading the privacy policy of an app, before installing it. And the fun fact is,if you read it,you are not going to install it. People must learn to think why a calculator app ask permission for media. No one is going to steal your data unless you give them a clue. It is not only about an individual , but for a company too.A single breach can result in losing a large amount of crucial information going to the wrong hands. Those can be foreign enemies, business rivals, criminals, malign entities or even terrorists. 

Deep fakes are another major issue which makes cyberspace more tougher.Manipulation of media on digital platforms is no more an impossible task. Photos, videos, audio are easy to edit. Identifying what is fake and what is real has got difficult today. Photographs, audios and even videos can be morphed and altered using the various editing tools online, such as Photoshop. Earlier it was used only for pornography,and now, it is everywhere!
The list goes on. As said earlier,surface web is just 25% of the whole cyberspace. There are things beyond our horizon. We are a generation ,which can easily be manipulated or hijacked by ideas. And that's what it makes vulnerable too. We sometime’s believe what we see, which may not be true at times. Privacy, Security, Freedom are some of the things that an individual demands at the cyberspace. Let us hope for those times.
